- In Genesis 48 we find an interesting scene where the aged Patriarch, Jacob, on his deathbed, enjoys a final visit with his beloved son, Joseph, and his grandsons, Manasseh and Ephraim. In this scene we find a powerful model of how we can demonstrate love to our children through our time, touch, and talk.
- In v. 2 we read that Jacob “summoned” or “rallied” his strength in order to make time for his son and grandsons. We get the picture of a man, who even though frail with age, would not miss the opportunity to spend time with his family. It has been said that “love” is rightly spelled, “T-I-M-E”. We can show our children we love them by giving them our time.
- In v. 8-10 we see Jacob demonstrating his love for his family in the warmth of his embrace and the affection of his kisses. Science tells us that touch is an essential human need from birth to death. However, sadly, many parents fail to convey their love for their children by practicing appropriate, loving touch. Regular, caring hugs and kisses are a powerful tool in building lifelong bonds of trust and commitment between parents and children.
- In v. 11-16 we find Jacob verbally sharing his love with his son and grandsons. How we talk to our children, especially in conveying our love for them, is vital in building positive relationships. Words of encouragement and affirmation are a testament to our children of our love for them and their importance to us.
- There is nothing in the scene found in Genesis 48 that would lead us to believe that what Jacob modeled here on his deathbed was foreign to the way he had always loved his family. And the fruit of Jacob’s love is seen in the love returned by Joseph and his sons for their beloved Patriarch.
- May God give us all the grace to follow Jacob’s example and love our children well. And may we too be blessed in seeing the fruit of our love as it blossoms in the lives of our children and grandchildren.
One of the best ways we can love our children is by passing on to them a legacy of faith. Please visit our online store to find many helpful resources to assist you in sharing a biblical worldview with your family.