To listen to a FREE preview of some of our audio lectures, select a topic below and choose from the list provided. For more information or to purchase any of these complete audio files, please click here.
The Jesus of the Cults
Jesus said in Matthew 24 that in the “last days” there would come many false Christ's and false prophets. What are the four major kinds of Cults and what do they believe about Jesus? This stimulating message reveals how to detect the counterfeit and know the Truth.
Mormonism: Christian or Cult?
Was Joseph Smith, Jr. a latter-day prophet? Is the Book of Mormon the word of God? What do Mormons really teach and believe? This powerful lecture gives Christians the answers for witnessing to LDS friends and is a great evangelistic tool to share with a Mormon.
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Trinity
When J.W.'s coming knocking at your door and tell you there is no Trinity and Jesus Christ is not God, how do you share the Truth of God's Word with them? This exciting lecture clearly exposes the false theology of the Watchtower Society and shows how to lovingly and effectively share the truth of the Trinity and the Deity of Jesus Christ.
New Age Spirituality and Secular Humanism
In this timely and stimulating lecture, the foundations of New Age Spirituality sweeping the world are laid bare. It not only exposes the false philosophies that make up the “New Age movement” , but share the Gospel in a powerful way. Good evangelistic and teaching tool.
Christian Science and Unity
What are the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy and the Fillmore's? This lecture clearly exposes the false teachings of the “Mind Science” cults and their allies and reveals the true Christian Biblical response that sets people free.
Freemasonry, Shriners, and the Masonic Lodge
Thousands of Masons have left the lodge after hearing this message that is documented from their own sources. It clearly shows why Freemasonry is not compatible with Biblical Christianity and helps lead men who have been deceived by the Lodge and the Shrine to come out.
Health, Wealth, and Prosperity Gospel
By mixing the Gospel with promises of health, wealth and prosperity, a new “western idolatry” has been created by offering a false understanding of God and what it means to be a Christian. This provocative message not only exposes the falsehood of this popular teaching but also comforts those facing heartache, disappointment and loss during their walk with Christ.
The Occult Explosion
I Timothy 4:1 says that in the “last days” many would follow after the “doctrines of demons and deceitful spirits.” What does the Bible say about the rise of Witchcraft, Satanism, Astrology, spiritism, Harry Potter, UFO's and the three categories of the Occult? How do we arm ourselves for spiritual warfare and share the truth of God's word on this timely subject?
Buddhism, Hinduism, Yoga and Reincarnation
We are witnessing today a major paradigm shift in western culture to the acceptance of eastern, oriental religions and philosophies. What do they teach about God, Christ, reality and the after life? How do we respond as Christians to things like yoga and reincarnation? A revealing lecture that will give you answers for your Faith.
Eastern Meditation vs Biblical Meditation
Many forms of meditation are being offered today from Transcendental Meditation, Yoga meditation and Buddhist meditation. What is real Biblical Meditation and how does it differ from Oriental meditation? Exciting Biblical teaching on what the Bible says about true meditation.
World Religions: What Makes Jesus Unique?
Are all Religions the same? Does it matter what you believe? What makes Christianity different from any Religion? A powerful presentation of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ in a World of Religions.
Roman Catholicism in the Light of Scripture
A revealing look at the new Catholic Catechism, published by the Vatican in 1995, and what it says about the Pope, Virgin Mary, the Mass, Purgatory and Salvation? This lecture gracefully confronts the real differences between what the Roman Catholic Church affirms and what the Bible clearly teaches?
The Religion of Islam
Since 9/11 people have asked what could so powerfully motivate educated individuals to kill themselves and so many innocent people? This message unveils the history and teachings of Mohammed and the Koran and exposes who Allah really is and the false teachings of Islam. Offers helpful suggestions in how to lovingly share with Muslims the truth of God's eternal plan of Salvation revealed in Jesus Christ.
Red vs Blue: The real cultural divide
What is the real cultural divide in America? Pro-life vs Pro-choice, Traditional family vs gay marriage, conservative vs liberal; these are merely symptoms of what is at the heart of the cultural battle being waged today. This powerful presentation exposes the real cause of the divide and gives the real answers to solving this dilemma.
The Resurrection: fiction or Fact?
Did Jesus really rise from the dead? What are the historical facts regarding the crucifixion and resurrection? This inspiring message gives the facts and why the resurrection is the foundation of the Christian faith and message.
What is God like?
An awe-inspiring presentation on the nature of God. God, throughout Scripture, reveals to us his attributes and character, so that we can know who He is and what He is like. This presentation will thrill your heart and mind as you see who our Creator is revealed in His Word.
The Bible: is it the Word of God?
How do we know the Bible is a supernaturally inspired Word from God? What makes it unique among other religious books? A thrilling presentation affirming the truth of God's love letter to us.
The Emergent Church: Confronting the Emerging Errors
Jason Carlson, a former participant in the Emergent "conversation", shares his personal journey into and out of the Emergent church and clearly demonstrates the emerging errors within this movement that is straying from biblical orthodoxy. If you are confused about the nature of the Emergent church or concerned with what's coming out of this movement, don't miss this important message.
Salvation: Is There Really Just 1 Way?
A look at the philosophy of religious pluralism which says that 'all roads lead to God' and it doesn't matter what religion you follow. Jason Carlson counters this claim with the Bible's teaching on the nature of salvation – that Jesus alone is the way, the truth, and the life.
Evolution vs Creation
What is the scientific evidence regarding the question of origins? Are we an accident evolved from “pond scum” or are we a unique creation of God? What about dinosaurs, the fossil record and the age of the earth? The scientific and biblical answers are given in this exciting and documented presentation.